Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Bread, Books and Blogging

I don't really know where all the time has gone today.. as i appear to acheived virtually nothing - again! This blogging business is seriously distracting my attention as i've been sat trawling through a bunch of other peoples today, was fun though! I can't wait to start getting some wages again because i have seen SO many lovely things i need to purchase! I can see myself hitting the shops hard in April.


Had some yummy food going on today, trying my hardest to eat a bit healthier than i have been! the full on diet starts very soon just weening myself in.. Addicted to dippy egg at the moment it's so nice! subsitituted my usual Warburtons toastie loaf for some Weightwatchers bread though. I know if your trying to lose weight you should really cut out bread completely but i like it too much! and this one is well under half the calories so every little helps. Also had some of my lovely home made leek and potato soup today, i absolutely love it my new fave. Will definately be making some more.

I did however manage to get some revision done today.. not loads, but hey it's better than nothing! I can't believe how much you forget when your out of work for a mere few months. Slowly but surely refreshing my memory so i'll be ready for my first flight again on the 17th of March :) people who say we just serve tea and coffee have NO idea what they're talking about!

And that was my day in a nutshell, again not very interesting but i'm definately going to get my bum out of the house tomorrow. Possibly make a few cheeky make-up purchases too as i've seen some cheap treats just waiting for me. Hope you all had a lovely day!


JessLoren x


  1. Ahh revision sucks! Blogging is so much more fun! ;)
    Great Blog Darling!
    Lots of LOVE AmenFashion17

  2. you are gorgeous! i saw you on a friends page and HAD to say hello! love your blog background too btw!

    newest follower <3
    follow back ?


  3. you have such a cute blog!!
    Following you love, follow back if youd like!
    xoxo Kelsey

  4. I haven't had dippy egg in years!! Haha!
    Sounds like a nice chilled day, except the revision, snooze!
    Thank you for following, I am following you back :)

  5. aah. thanks for all the lovely comments thats just made my day! :) i'm on a follow back mission shortly. thank you ladies xxx
