Tuesday, 12 February 2013

The Second Attempt

Okay so today was the big 2nd attempt at the 30 Day Shred and i was all raring to go this morning after posting about it last night. I wolfed down a good breakfast for fuel and stood ready with my makeshift soup can weights, praying to god it wouldn't be too hard.. unfortunately and inevitably.. it was.

 I probably got about half way into the session before i collapsed in a heap on my living room floor, shouting obscenities at Jillian as she bounced around on my laptop screen with all the energy of a jumping bean. She is literally a frigging machine.

I've come to the realisation that i am just not a workout dvd kind of gal. I hate exercise, and so if i'm going to do it there has to be some element of fun involved otherwise my motivation just fizzles away. This dvd is not fun, it's gruelling, non stop and full of stupid "motivational" comments that just leave me feeling irritated and ridiculous for not being able to achieve what she's telling me to. And i've decided that i'd much rather spend a little longer doing something i will get more enjoyment out of, than cram it all into these horrible 20 minutes.


 I headed straight down to the pool after my failed attempt at the dvd, and 45 minutes of laps later i felt a lot better about the whole situation. Swimming is such good exercise as well as being something that i actually enjoy doing.. it doesn't feel like a complete chore, gets me out of the house and gives me the satisfaction that i'm working some muscles and burning calories. This kind of exercise might not be as effective as the shred, but it's definately the way forward for me. 

I've been looking into other things similar to swimming, that i might enjoy doing and I've decided i'd love to try the aqua aerobics and zumba classes that they hold at my leisure centre. I think these are down a similar kind of path, and would hold my interest enough to make me want to keep doing them like i do with my swimming. I was also wondering if any of you ladies have tried to Zumba games you can buy for the wii/kinnect? Are they any good?

I whole heartedly praise anyone who has reached day 30 on the shred, because i have no idea how you had the strength to do it at all! I'm glad i gave it a second shot though, because it's got me back down the pool putting in the hours there instead. Quick fixes aren't always the best!



  1. I didn't enjoy the 30 day shred either. Boring as hell to be honest but I did about 4 or 5 days I think... I tried Insanity, wow, it really is insane, google it or something, I didn't even manage the first day! I know personal trainers that can't even do it! Well done for trying though and glad you enjoyed the swim x

  2. I didn't last long with the 30 days shred either and it's just sitting there gathering dust! I have the zumba games for the wii and the routines are pretty much what you get in a class, i just have more motivation in an actual class tho!

  3. Your on the right path, keeping fit with methods you like is the best way to stay fit, xoxo.

  4. Check my post recent post out darling! I've mentionned you in a post :) xx

  5. I dip in and out of Ripped in 30 by Jillian, but I'm going to hazard a guess as it being just as tough as 30 Day Shred lol! I would really suggest giving spinning a go, I'm a recent addict and wrote a post about it a few weeks ago -http://betweentodaytomorrow.blogspot.co.uk/2013/01/spinning-addict.html

    P.S. I'm a new follower xx

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