Sunday, 18 March 2012

The Trolly Dolly Is Back!

Hello everyone! :)

I'm finally back to doing a bit of blogging! Wohooo.
As you might of read in my last post i was gearing up for some tricky exams hence why i haven't posted for the last week and a half.. but following this i am very happy to say that i PASSED all of them! so i'm now a fully qualified trolly dolly once again.. Very relieved they are all over and i'm back in the skies where i belong! I had my first flight yesterday to Malaga which was a nice short one with lovely crew and even lovlier passengers. I am however going to Sharm El Sheik in Egypt tomorrow morning, and anyone who's ever flown there will know what a beast of a flight it is! i'm up at about 5:30 am and won't be getting home until about 22:30-23:00 so a LONG day ahead.. but hey ho :) i love my job!

Uniform is back on!

One of the perks to flying is we get to purchase the things we sell onboard at discount prices, and i have my eye on the urban decay naked palette after reading so many good things about it! We also have a staff shop at Manchester Aiport that sells make-up and perfume at amaaaazing prices! so i can't wait to bob my head in there and have a rummage! one of my friends picked up a YSL lippy for a pound the other week. LOVE.

I'll be following this post shortly with a few product reviews as i've been wearing make-up every single day now for training and work and there's a few things that i've found absolute life savers at 6am! Would also like to say a big hello to all my new followers! i cannot believe i now have 50. Really chuffed.

Hope you've all had a lovely mothers day :)


JessLoren x


  1. awww Congrats!!! Well Done!!! hope u have a good day tomorrow :) xx

  2. Lovely blog.. Now following.

    Ive tagged you in the 11 Question tag.. here is the link

    1. Aw thanks, never done one of those i'll give that a bash later! :)


  3. Ahh I'd love to see a post about your job in more depth and the misconceptions people have about flying! I'm going to Australia in 3 weeks and I'm a really nervous flyer! Also, I think you should get some pictures of this amazing staff shop! I'm extremely jealous. YSL for £1.00? Madness!! Xx.

    1. Thats a new idea! wouldn't mind doing a post on that if people would find it interesting :)
      I've always wanted to go to Australia! but the flight is ridiculously long.. i can't imagine working that long a day haha. hope it all goes well for you x

  4. Hi (new follower!) - congrats on passing your exams!! I've always loved the idea of being a trolly dolly but then realized I didn't like flying too much so that dashed that one!!!!


  5. Well done on passing your exams! I just got the Naked palette for £13.99 off Ebay, brand new I can't wait til it arrives! Looking forward to your product reviews xx

  6. Congrats on passing your exam xxx
